Our most popular brand VITALI, continues to be a leader in sales and profits for our customers. This line is geared towards consumers with value on their mind. This line includes men's conservative suits, sport coats, Fall/Winter jackets and dress pants.
This category is offers 4 delivery seasons annually.
Spring delivery (Feb-Mar)
Father's day/ Graduation (May-June)
Fall (August-Sept)
Holiday (Nov.-Dec)
This line was the first line in men's fashion industry to welcome e-commerce. All of the items in this line are fully customizable for different labels and drop shipments. This has been proven to be wonderful tool for both the online stores and brick and mortar stores to avoid direct competition.
ANDRE LANZINO is geared toward gentlemen that appreciate the finest of materials used for making garments. This line includes traditional and modern fit suit, sport coats and cashmere topcoats. Made with either of 100% New Zealand wool or cashmere and wool blend from Asia.
Every item with this label goes through a vigorous quality test process both at our manufacturing factory as well as our distribution facility.
This line is also available for private label throughout the country. Minimum order quantity apply.
The DANNY COLBY line is geared towards the younger consumer. This line includes fashion suits for prom/graduation as well as fashion suits for the nightlife. Most of these suits are designed for a more slim fit.
Although this item is geared for a smaller market, this line has been gaining more popularity in the past 4 years.